Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Updated Blog List

I've updated my blog list!!!

What that means is this:

If you scroll down on the right hand side you will notice that there are other people's blogs that I tend to frequent. Most are way better Korea information blogs than mine (since mostly family checks out my page--which I love). However if you are not family and you some how landed on my page two things:

1. Welcome. Hope you enjoy the blog.
2. Check out the other sites. (haha)

But in all seriousness. Eat your Kimchi is a great one because they have all these cool videos about Korea and well have their blog sh** together.

The others are mostly news blogs. You can read about how very little Korea cares about the problem in the north and how much more important K-Pop (celebrity culture) is to them.

Anyways, check them out if you have endless hours of free time to spend in front of the computer like me.

PS Happy October!!!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Cool, thanks for the add!