Saturday, September 12, 2009


Hey All!

First of all I want to thank you for the great comments about our trip pictures! I'm glad that you've enjoyed looking at them (as we enjoyed taking them).

We have been settling back into the swing of things quite easily here. The biggest news I have is the mass hysteria Yeosu seems to be suffering from the Swine flu. Actually, the hysteria is all over the county, but it seems like in Yeosu at least, every conversation you may have eventually swings around to Swine flu!

At both of our schools, there is the "Swine Flu Defense Line" (as Ed likes to call it). They take the temperatures of all the students coming into the school and sometimes the teacher's temps too. Bottles of hand sanitizer have popped up all over the place (they were definitely not present in Korea before). If a student is even somewhat sick they think they have the "Virus". It would be kind of funny if it wasn't so tiring.

Anyways, other than that, not much has been happening. Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) is coming up in a few weeks, so the buzz has been about planning where to go (we have no idea yet).

Back to school, back to soccer playing, back to having fun!

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