Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Video Fixed

Okay, so the video might be fixed. I've reposted it here for your viewing pleasure. It was a simple fix, that I was unable to do because Ed didn't tell me how to switch the youtube site over from Korean to English (which was just a quick button push, but I had no idea because, well I don't read Korean). Now, everything should be working. Hopefully. Let me know if it isn't.


Anonymous said...

Great Job ED!!!! It was worth the wait. There is no way I would have been up there to sing in English let alone Korean........

Anonymous said...

Ed- I'm very impressed! I knew you could play the guitar (mainly because Jenny sat on your old one in college and broke it) but I didn't know you could sing. Well done!

Ed and Jen said...

Ummm I did not break his guitar...his friend Eric did. I was just an innocent bystander.