- Its far from downtown; but not that far
- I'm not entirely convinced they want a whole bunch of rowdy, drunk waygookins hanging out there.
What I am sure of is that there are plenty of food places near by that LOVE waygooks (us). After drinking a few rounds, we decided that we were pretty hungry. So we went looking for some food. In that area there is mainly seafood restaurants, but there are some sam gyup sal (bbq) places located here and there. Dave and Ed were the main deciders of where we should have our midnight snack; and boy did they choose well.
I don't know what the place was called, but I'll go back at any point just because the ajuma (or emu--older sister which is what she preferred to be called) was sooo completely nice. Our meal consisted of some nice side dishes, a lot of 'pancakes' and some delicious, spicy as all hell, chicken soup dish. It was amazing, all for 25,000 won--which is cheap for what we ate, trust me!

The best part of the evening, however, was not the food, but rather how we ate the food. The woman fed us. I'm not talking Korean 'fed' where they cook the food for you. I'm talking fed us, as in put the food in our mouths. It was wonderful. It reminded me that of why Koreans are so wonderful. I mean, do you know any American restaurants that will feed you, unless your a baby? Well here, we are the babies. I can't say that I mind that much. It is a wonderful feeling, sometimes, to give up all 'power' to be fed. And did I mention that she fed us oysters??? Oh yeah. I'm in love with Korean restaurants.
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