Tuesday, February 3, 2009


B-butt sitting. That is what Ed and I have been doing
O- organizing our apartment. We cleaned everything, but now it is dirty again
R-red eyes from watching/staring at the computer all day long
E-excitement when someone actually calls us to do something
D-desire to be any where except for our apartment
O- outside, where I should be, but instead I am sitting on my butt
M-movie watching. I'm now an illegal movie pirate. Shhh don't tell.

Now I realize why people work winter camps and take month long vacations here during this two month break. I know, I'm complaining about not working, you all can hate me later, but both Ed and my brains have turned to mush.

That's my post for today.

PS: Thank you Meg for being my one 'follower'!!! You made my day!

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