Okay so Ed and I are kind of bad English Conversation Teachers. Instead of conversation, we decided that we were going to have a Halloween party on Friday with our high school Korean conversation students. They do not celebrate Halloween here...so we thought it would be a fun conversational and cultural experience for them. It turned out to be one of my best Halloween experiences ever. I don't know if they were more excited for the food we brought them (American cookies) or for the masks they made. We even had a few dress up. It was actually pretty cool. Even though they are high school students, it was like experiencing Halloween with little kids. I couldn't get enough of them; they were hilarious; it reminded me of why I love Halloween. Here are some pictures of them. Now remember--they really DON'T celebrate Halloween, so any costume you see is completely unexpected and extra wonderful.

I love that you had the kids dress up for Halloween. Don't bother teaching them English: It's not like we're going to be able to understand them anyways, so you might as well have fun. Abby looks a little out of control but fun. The one lying on the floors looks like she came straight out of "The Ring" or any other Asian movie for that matter. oh and wtf are you and Ed dressed up as? It's like you tried to be dogs, but got tired and gave up, so you have just paws and a hat?? I'm a little confused. I still love it.
Thats what we think...why teach them English?--thats not the fun part. CANDY is the fun part. Oh well...
As for the polar bear costumes...the kids brought them in and made us take a 'couple' picture. I don't know where they got them from...but they were useful.
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