You may or may not know but to us Westerners, it takes a while to find foods that we like enough to eat. For both Ed and I, most of the food seems the same. They have very little variety in our minds (but in a way they have total variety--we just don't know where to look). So eating here can be pretty adventurous at times, especially when we just go into a restaurant and point to something on the wall (many restaurants list what they make on the wall and you point).
So there is this one restaurant by our house that Ed and I have been secretly dying to try. Every time we walk by this place, the most delicious smells waif out at us. Smells that we haven't smelled before in Korea. Good smells.
So last Thursday, Ed and I braved the unknown and went in. I should probably tell you that we had no idea what kind of food it was; we knew that it smelled delicious and we wanted it. So we pointed at someone else's meal and the owners brought it to us.
It was delicious!! Although I had no idea what I was eating, I actually said to Ed,as we were discussing what it could be, "I don't care if it is dog, tripe, or other gross things that I would never eat in the States. I want more of this." Anyways, Ed and I chowed down on this mystery meat from heaven, and tried to ask what it was that we were eating. The owner said something like Ori Bulgogi (something meat). We still had no idea what it was, but like I said, we didn't (and don't) care.
Well fast forward to Saturday when we met up with one of our Korean friends, Bobby. Ed asked him what Ori Bulgogi was, and straight faced Bobby said "Dog. Many people don't like the smell, but it is good." Huh! Okay, so now I am personally psyched because not only did I eat dog, but I kind of loved it. Yet, we weren't convinced because the name for dog is not Ori Bulgogi but something like Geagogi.
Sunday Ed met up with his co-teacher and asked the same thing. He got "Dog"...but there was something fishy about the way his co-teacher was saying it. After a few confusing minutes Ed found out why. Apparently they (Bobby and co-teacher) were saying 'Duck'. I guess the Korean's have a hard time with the 'g' 'ck' endings. Either way, whether we ate dog or duck, I'm going back.
1 comment:
So you had to out a beagle? Why not a Bull dog or pittbull maybe a Great Dane? I hope it was duck and not dog. However you need to do what you must. I dont want you to come home and look at Indy like an appitizer!!!!
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