First of all, watching and participating (kind of) in an Election on the other side of the world is pretty interesting. We get all the highlights...no need to watch a bazillion TV commercials saying "Vote for me! Not the other guy! He's stupid!" (although some of them can be entertaining). I know when it is worth it to watch SNL. I get to hear the best parts of the speeches. And until my scheduled changed, I could watch them live with all of you, of course on free pirated streaming.
Fascinating enough, Korea has been pretty interested in our election too. For the record, almost all the Koreans that I talked to wanted Obama to win. They have felt out of touch with "Bushey" and so Obama was/is a good change for them.
Our high school girls have been pretty interested in the election. And by interested I mean that they were predicting that Obama would win and were happy about it. They thought that his 'new FTA' policy would help them out.
Okay so now to the funny part. Last night they wanted to talk about the elections, so being Miss Full of Correct Political Information, I said 'Okay'. As it turns out, I might have inadvertently scared the crap out of them.
Background Info: It is very difficult to explain that N. Americans don't really understand Korea (we don't) and that because of our misunderstandings, we think that Korea is scary (especially that crazy little monkey man to the north). The Korean perception is while the crazy little monkey man is indeed crazy, they still want to be reunited. Think of it as an East Germany/West Germany thing. Policies, ideals, and economy are very different, so reunification on that end is impossible. But to get back with family members and to go take pictures of their homeland with out getting shot is important enough.
Okay so I may have gotten a whole bunch of girls worried because I sort of maybe said that because of crazy little monkey man, tough actions will be taken (per Obama's no tolerance 'policy'). So on their own, they might think that America might bomb Korea. I did not supply that theory--they truly came to that conclusion themselves!! I tried to tell them that we (being America) have bigger worries than Korea, which we do. And that Obama is a man of piece not war. But with the whole translation, English as their second language thing, it might not have gotten across 100%. Ed is on DAMAGE CONTROL tonight!!
While the rest of Korea celebrates Obama's win (this means new FTA agreements-which means you all will be driving Samsungs soon) there is a strong possibility that there is a small group of high school girls in Yeosu preparing for the next Korean invasion. So Mr. President to be, please don't bomb Korea.
Don't let those kids talk to Mom and Dad...they'll just reinforce the idea that Obama is out to destroy the world, especially Korea...it's first on his list, right after Cambridge.
Don't you mean second on his list?? Cambridge went to hell the moment you moved in...
I do enough damage with the kids...its no wonder they already think Americans are crazy...Oh well, here I was thinking I would be helping their impressions, not hurting....sigh.
ok I haven't been on this site in over a week and you haven't posted anything new?? Are you kidding me? What kind of blooger are you?
Dear Disgruntled Reader (or Joe),
I'm too busy checking my facebook account to write a new blog (you know what I'm talking about). I'll get something up soon. Calm down.
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