You know those motorized wheelchairs that make mobility so much more easier? Well, they are quite popular here in Korea. Not because people are physically dependent on them. But because of the endless possibilities that they can provide for transportation and business.
Transportation is easy right? These babies help people get around. Or here in Korea they just use them as one may use a scooter. Yup, just drive 'em down the middle of the street during rush hour traffic. Some have even installed horns on them (loud ones) so that other cars can get out of their way, or just to let the other driver know that they are there. Old men usually 'drive' them in the roadways. But I've seen some women too. Here is an example of how it looks, except the cars just go around the 'drivers' and the police don't care.

Okay, so business? You may be wondering what type of business I'm talking about. How can owning a personal motorized be a business venture? Do they just sell them on the street here in Korea? Nope. My friends, when you have time, energy, and lots of creativity, your personal motorized wheelchair can become this:

I took this picture so you could see that it is really is one...look at the wheels! And notice how much stuff he has on it! It is like a metal cage of sellable items around the cart. Genius!
And more stuff on top!
This is what Ed bought from him. It is a little bag, that you can stuff into that stuffed dog on the front. Amazing!
I'm not sure how he gets in and out of his 'cart'. That is actually assuming, though that he does leave the 'cart' and does not live in it. I wouldn't be surprised if he managed somehow to do that too!
Looks like alot of fun, I wish I could drink at work.
I can see it now. Commuting to work on one of those. You would last maybe 1/4 mile before someone hit you and wiped you out. Or better yet on VT's famous dirt roads getting pushed off into a ditch and left until spring. Is this how he makes a living?
You two should create your own art on a cart buisness. If they don't buy anything from you, you can run them down.(accidently of course).
I told Ed we should go as 'cart man' for Halloween--but it might be too expensive to do so. I think he makes quite a living off of foreigners buying things in order to get a picture and/or small children.
Either way he is pretty inventive.
Oh my god! And I thought the old ladies in Lisbon were bad!!!! They could learn a thing or two!
I seriously think that he might live in there...
This totally made my rainy day afternoon ;0)
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