Do you remember how great field trips are? Do you remember how fun they were--a whole day with no learning, hanging out with friends, doing whatever (okay kind of whatever)? Well that changes when you are a teacher. It becomes something that used to be fun and relaxing to a whole bunch of crap work and headaches. You have to book the place, pay for the buses, pay for the kids who can't pay to get there, remember medicines, get permission slips signed, explain to administration why you want to go where you want to go to, worry about kids behaving, getting lost, or throwing up. Basically it changes from being a totally cool experience, to something that I never, ever wanted to do again with any of my students.
Well my friends, that has changed, because I LOVE Korean field trips. Here is a list why:
- Teachers tell the students where to go and what time to be there. It is the student's job to get there. The teachers don't care how they do it (bus, train, parent, or walking), they just have to be there.
- The students actually show up.
- If the student shows up wearing 'short shorts' (aka bootie shorts), the Korean teachers will make them stand with their arms up, and then Korean co-teacher will knuckle them off the side of the head--but hey its okay! The student wore inappropriate clothing. It is their fault they got a whack.
- You don't really have to watch the group. If you wanted a smoke, or a nap, its okay! You can do it! The students are responsible for themselves.
- Lunch time is amazing. And by amazing, I mean you can drink. Yes I had a shot of wine.
- The students eat lunch by themselves...that's right, no teachers there to open the milk cartoon or to tell them to stop stuffing their face with Kimbab. If a student gets sick, its his/her own fault.
- The students have to call their own parents to come and get them if they get sick. Teachers don't care if the student stuffed himself with Kimbab. All they have to do is tell them that they are going home because they are sick and it is okay!
- I didn't have to watch out for any student. If anything, I was the one to have to be herded!

No Teachers!!!

I'm telling you, it was like being on a real field trip again. Korean field trip. Sign me up. I'll bring the Soju!
Here you go Joe!
No Teachers!
Notice how they are standing...isn't it cute?
Okay so there is one Korean teacher...but don't the kids look happy?
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