Friday, March 20, 2009

Bad Blogger

Hey All.

I know. I'm a bad blogger. No blogs for a while. Not that there hasn't been a lot going on-there has. I just can't seem to find time or the want rather to sit down in front of the computer, edit photos, and then write. Plus my school blocked blogger, so now I have to do all my writing at home. :( Maybe this weekend I'll get something up here!

Ed and I are healthy, and still lovin' Korea. School is back in full swing now, so that means sitting in front of the computer, trying to get kids not to give each other the finger or punch each other, making them do push-ups for above mentioned offenses, and 'teaching' about 10 hours a day. Fun!

In attempts to make his school (and students) care a bit more about English fun, Ed's started a website. He's not sure what the exact plans of the site are yet, but he hopes that he will get some student involvement. So be sure to check it out now, and again in the future.

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