Two weekends ago, Ed, our friends Nikki and Kerry, and I travel eastward to the 2nd biggest city in Korea, Busan. We had a great time, enjoyed a ton of great food (not Korean) and saw some pretty big fish (in an Aquarium). I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves!
Busan Street
Look closely

Underwater Tank...its like Sea World, but in Korea!

Speaking of Korea...

They had an art exhibit going on, so we took advantage of it!

This is my scared look because the fake Jaguar is going to eat me.
We saw these two walking and we couldn't decide why they were wearing the costumes. Either they wanted to stay warm, or have their picture taken with foreigners.

Thirty minutes later, we arrive at some school (pictured) that is closed. Apparently the school is the Dinosaur Museum, and it isn't open for visitors. We (Ed and the Taxi Driver and I) had a good laugh and took some pictures anyways. Its a good thing they keep the Dino's caged!
Great pics as usual. You guys are on quite an adventure.
Okay, I LOVE the picture of you and Ed titled Nikki in the background. It is the sweetest picture I've seen. I guess I'm missing you.
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