Today marks the first day of our two month vacation from teaching English!
I LOVE vacation!
I LOVE vacation!
I LOVE vacation!
Eddie and I will be around Yeosu until the 5th, then we will be heading to Malaysia for a bit of a stay. I'm hoping to still have internet though, as I will be working on another masters' course during our vacation (bahhh--why do I need to be educated--huh??).
So until then, I'm sure I'll have a few more things to write--but I wanted to let you all know in case you wanted to send some care packages or such--we won't be around to get them (if a dire emergency arises, please let me know and I will get you an address!)
Hey, did I mention that I get my vacation, for two months, and its paid??
I LOVE vacation (and I love rubbing it in!) :)))
Wait let's back it up for a second- in that last post, you said people come up to you all the time and tell you how good looking you are?? is that true? wow...I mean, people do that to me here so can you imagine in Korea? they would build me shrines and stuff...
I'm telling you Joe--Rock star status...
And I'm ignoring the dis...so there (I'll let it slide this time because I bit you in your dreams)
2 months off whats up with that. I'd be happy with a full week....
2 month vacation?!? the last time I had a vacation it was for 5.5 weeks AND I GAVE BIRTH...and that wasn't really a vacation....man..............
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