Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Day in the Life of a Real English Teacher

This was yesterday.

7:00am Alarm goes off. Hit the snooze.

7:10am Alarm goes off again. Make Ed get up.

7:20am Alarm goes off again. Get up take a shower. Get ready for school

8:10am Walk to school.

8:30am Arrive at school. Say hello a thousand times.

8:31am Hide in English lab.

8:34am Check email. Check Facebook.

9:00am Check master's email.

9:10am Write paper due on Sunday

10:10am Check Facebook

10:15am Go back to writing paper for masters

10:30am Pee break.

10:33am Check Facebook

10:45am Lesson plan for next week

11:00am Give up lesson planning for next week. Everything is too difficult and they won't get it.

11:02am Check

11:10am Check Facebook

11:12am Check email

11:15am Do squat lunges around the English lab. Stare into space.

12:15pm Go to lunch. Eat fish head soup, rice, seaweed soup, fish paste balls. Yum

12:45pm Decide to go for a walk to Dunkin Dounuts. And pee using a real toliet at Lotte Mart

1:45pm Arrive back at school. Students invade English lab. Try to show me videos of Korean pop music stars

1:50pm Student flips a breaker switch, blows up two surge protectors and possibly computer monitor.

1:55pm Student gets beaten (not by me) for flipping breaker switch. I feel bad and offer her candy.

2:00pm Tech guys come to fix computer station, and look at me like I am the foreign freak that I am.

3:30pm Computer fixed

3:32pm Check facebook

3:35pm Read masters book

4:45pm Shut down now fixed lab, and get ready to go home.

5:15pm Arrive at home. A hard days worth of work over with! I can now relax

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now i feel sooo much better about my own facebook, perez, email weaknesses!!!!

maybe someday i'll log what i do....
like change poopy diaper. check email. batting practice on wii. feed baby. change diaper. 3 holes of wii golf. facebook. feed baby.....