Just wanted to give a huge shout out to our Veterans, those old and new. Ed and I certainly appreciate the job that you have done for us and we are very glad that the country takes a moment or two to fully recognize your commitment for our country. If you ask me, we need more moments like today to happen.
So once again, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you a million times over.
And on a ridiculous side note, while most of the world (okay Canada and America) celebrates its veterans, Korea celebrates something entirely different, the Pepero.
You may remember Peperos from last year, but just in case you don't, Pepero Day is a completely commercialized based holidays where companies sell massive amounts of chocolate covered bread sticks and pretzels. Why??
Simple silly. November 11th, or 11/11 can be made completely with these stick like snacks.
Let's just sum it up by saying that most teachers get a gazillion Peperos because students love them so much. See below:

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