The best part about any vacation is the pictures. So I thought that instead of writing a whole ton about our trip to China, I'd show you what we experienced. The pictures are in no particular order, but show our travels around Beijing and Harbin. Enjoy!
Chinese Paparazzi

One thing we couldn't get over was how many people wanted to take our picture. I mean, we live in Korea, and they love us there, but for some odd reason we thought that picture taking of foreigners (in a huge international city like Beijing) was something that wouldn't happen as much. Well we were very wrong. In fact, the picture taking happened more in China than it does here in Korea. I guess Chinese couldn't get enough of our beautiful faces. This guy actually was in the Harbin Ski Resort of Yablin. I think he worked for the ski resort as a press guy. But he could just be some random dude too.

Perhaps the BEST part of our trip was the Harbin Siberian Tiger Sanctuary. Basically a few years ago, China put a legal stop to killing tigers for their fur and medicinal purposes. So that left the Harbin Tiger farm in a fix. Fortunately, they are making a killing (no pun intended) by saying that they now are a sanctuary for the endangered Siberian Tiger. You can go into the sanctuary and 'feed' the tigers a wide range of animals including chickens, goats, and even a cow if you've got enough money. I know it sounds gross and inhumane, but honestly it was the coolest thing ever. Not to mention extremely exciting! Although we did only buy some chickens; I wonder if I would be saying the same thing if we had bought a cow. I do know this for sure though; next we are buying the goat.
Ridiculous Ski Trip (Yablin Ski Resort, Harbin)

Ahhhh skiing. When Wendy (our friend) brought up the plan to go skiing in Harbin, we jumped on the chance. The hotel said they had a deal where we pay 70RMB to get to the mountain and ski. Now the mountain was about two hours away, but we thought we would be able to get at least a half a day of skiing in. WRONG! We paid basically to ride a stupid bus for six hours. We were part of a Chinese tour group, so we had to go along with what they said. On the positive side, they fed us lunch and we did get to 'ski' for two hours (basically two runs). All for like 10 USD, so I guess we can't complain too much.
Death by Chicken Head (almost)

Ed put this in his mouth and ate some of it. Yup its a chicken head. No he did not know he was eating chicken head until he ate the brain out the back side. GROSS!!!

So the main reason why we traveled to almost the Russian boarder was to go to the Harbin Ice Festival, which was:
- Balls ass cold.
- Balls ass cool!
Imagine a huge city built out of ice. There was skating, ice bike riding, sliding, beer drinking, dancing in bikinis, sledding, and pretty much a good time had by all. Very awesome. I highly recommend it. Annnddd during the day you can go and feed the tigers if you want to. :)
Sleeper Train
To get to Harbin (10 hour train ride from Beijing) you can do two things. Fly or take the sleeper train. We chose the sleeper train. Basically there are six bunks to a small stall, three bunks high. You can see me on the middle bunk. Very cool way to travel. Not so awesome way to sleep. Imagine everything people do in the their sleep and multiply it by 70 people. Interesting experience, and I'll do it again if I have to. But next time I'll bring ear plugs and some nice smelling spray.

Ed's Photo Skills:
This section highlights some of the coolest photos Ed took on the trip.

is that Panda on your shoulder real??
Great Job guys
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