Kimchi is technically fermented cabbage in a red paste sauce. To make Kimchi, you get some fresh cabbage, cover it in red paste, maybe some other spices (like garlic), put in a Kimchi pot, and let it sit and 'develop' for a few months. The longer it sits the better (although I think they have a year expiration--but I'm not sure).
Most Koreans will eat Kimchi at every meal. I mean EVERY MEAL! Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Some of the Ajumas (old ladies) will even eat it as a snack. No kimchi-no deal. To say that Kimchi is Korean's national dish would be an understatement. When Koreans bleed, they bleed Kimchi. To a Korean, Kimchi is life.
Kimchi comes in a variety of tastes, flavors, and vegetables. You can almost always count on it being spicy, cold, and there being a lot of it around. I have been told (and I'm not exaggerating as I sometimes do) that Kimchi is good for you. Here is what it cures/prevents:
- Any cold
- Cancer
- Old age
- Great for healthy living (kind of like "a huge serving of kimchi three times a day will keep the doctor away).
- Homosexuality (okay I might be lying on this one...but I wouldn't put it past someone to make this statement)
- Ear infections
- Food poisoning
- Tiredness
- It will give you stamina (as does every other food in Korea, but that's another post).
I'm not going to lie. I'm not a huge fan of Kimchi. Sometimes I'll find a bowl of it that tastes really good, but for the most part, I have to eat it smothered in rice and in small amounts. I enjoy it warm (or grilled) a lot more that I like it cold. I most likely will never miss Kimchi. Ever.
One can only really experience the Kimchi to understand what I'm talking about. Some people love it. There are good Kimchis and bad Kimchis. It is at every meal, so you can quickly become a Kimchi expert. So what do you think. Are you going to try it?
1 comment:
What if instead of the red paste, you use pasta sauce? And then cover it in cheese and maybe some breadcrumbs- kind if like a Kimchi Parmesan? That already sounds better tasting
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