Hey Guys,
Just thought I'd write a quick little note to let you all know the 411 with N. Korea (at least from the South's perspective).
I know that it has been in the news a lot lately, and I also know that the American news goes straight for the fear factor. So I'm not going to soften things, but they are definately not as bad as you may be imagining.
The reality from this side of the world is that yes, everyone is worried, South Koreans and us alike. The current president's policy is very different from the old one, especially when regarding the North. He likes to think USA style. In reality the South has delt with the North with kid gloves on for many, many years, so now with a new line of treatment the North is not happy. The people that I have spoken too are worried that his line of dealing with the North with cause something.
But here's the thing. We ALL know that the North is a caged animal waiting for someone to stick their arm in. The entire country does not want ANYTHING to happen, to anyone. So it's my opinion (and that of my co-workers as well) that the South will tread lightly and carefully. I have not recieved anything from the Embassy, and nothing has been sent about any danger.
We are hoping that things will end in peace and the North will not go bat shit crazy on us. And just so you know, more people in Korea want reunification and hope to meet their brothers and sisters in the North. Hopefully the world and the North will take that into account when talking about how to handle this situation.
So for now, we are safe. We are happy. We are healthy.