Well, I was going to write a top 20 list or something to mark this fabulous anniversary, but my friend Dave wrote this poem on his
blog post as a going away memoir. For the moment, I think it does just fine as to explain how I (and Ed) feel about Korea!
Ode To Korea-(From a Waygook's Perspective..)
By David Peterson
To Korea! The Land of the Morning Calm.
(But the blame might lie in the last Soju bomb...)
To Korea! They say "Woori Nara (our country)" and put the 'we' first.
(However with shopping, traffic, and in lines it becomes ME first...)

To Korea! Where Kimchi is eaten morning, noon, and night.
(But not in the wee hours when your colon starts its fight...)
To Korea! Our dearest Yeosu, City of Flowers, Sea and Light.
(But never forget to be careful- the zombies come out at night...)
To Korea! Where hiking lush mountains can inspire raw power.
(Just ignore the men in the business suits and the occasional cell tower...)
To Korea! Where eating live squid is considered appealing.
(And dog too!! Shhhh- animal's don't have feelings...)
To Korea! Where Jimjilbangs allow people to be comfortable in their skin.
(The beach is a different story; only the fully clothed may swim...)

To Korea! Of Swine Flu, Crazy Cow and Fan Death the people have learned.
(As for the Nuclear Neighbor to the North-not too concerned...)
(Now you have your own version of George W. Bush-ee...)
To Korea! The people bow and use two hands to be polite.
To Korea! Corporations like Hyundai work with amazing precision.
(In reality, we all know that Kai-Bi-Bo makes all the decisions...)
To Korea! Where after a year, a piece of my heart will say.
(For this one I'm afraid I have nothing funny to say...)
Well to me, that's a pretty nice poem about Korea and what it can be all about. Just click on the links for the references (so that you can fully understand the humor of this poem). Oh and for those of you who are intrigued by this Dong Chim thing (or poo-needle as it is roughly translated into here) you can play this wicked awesome
online game!!